Jenny Rogers is one of the UK’s most experienced executive coaches with 30 years of successful experience. She won the Henley Business School Award in 2019 for Outstanding Contribution to Coaching. Her clients include Chief Executives and Directors of some of the UK’s best known organisations. Her book Coaching Skills: The definitive guide to being a coach is now in its fourth edition and is acknowledged internationally as the ‘Bible’ on how to coach successfully. As well as running her own practice, Jenny has trained many hundreds of coaches. She is a popular speaker, giving master-classes on coaching and allied subjects. She has a parallel career as a writer and editor, and 2021 saw the publication of two new books, one a book of coaching stories, Are You Listening?, published by Penguin Random House, the other a book for coaches called Coaching – What Really Works, which was published by Sage.
Jenny is in coaching to make a difference. Her entire career, even before she became a coach, has been about increasing people’s confidence and effectiveness. She says, ‘Looking back, I can see that even as a teenager, I was offering my friends a rudimentary form of coaching if they were worried about their spots or their Maths homework!’
It is not surprising that many clients have career dilemmas. Coaching can help hugely, whether it is preparing for a job interview, disentangling what you really want career-wise from what seems immediately possible or preparing a CV which will have a powerful impact. Jenny’s books on job interviews and creating CVs are designed to help readers make the best possible impression.
Interest has grown sharply in how organizations can create ‘engagement’: staff who will defend their employer fiercely and work hard without being ‘told’. Using coaching as a prime managerial tool is the quickest and best way to do this. Jenny’s book, Manager as Coach (co-written with Andrew Gilbert and Karen Whittleworth) sets out a realistic and practical way for any manager to learn how to coach: a new way of holding people to account while also developing their potential.
Jenny is one of the world’s leading experts on the psychometric instruments the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the FIRO-B. Her books on both these gold standard questionnaires have sold in hundreds of thousands. .
Jenny is an experienced coach-supervisor and also writes regular columns for a number of magazines. She is an accredited mediator with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution and a trained style and image coach.

Coaching What Really Works
This is your essential companion to being a coach. Author Jenny Rogers distills her decades of experience to guide you through the challenges and pitfalls, joys and rewards, and dos and don’ts of coaching. Whether you are a qualified coach many years into practice, or a trainee moving into your first placement, the book provides a treasure trove of practical strategies and skills, theories and concepts that will enhance your practice. It captures what it takes to be a successful coach, and will support and inspire you to become a more confident, self-reflective practitioner.