Coaching Skills: The Definitive Guide to being a Coach (5e)


Coaching Skills is a popular text for coach training schools all over the world, brought to life with dozens of case studies and practical guidance, while also emphasizing the importance of underpinning psychological awareness and understanding.

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(Coaching Skills: A Handbook -Fifth Edition)

Since 2004, Jenny’s classic book, Coaching Skills: the definitive guide to being a coach, has been eagerly read, annotated, read again, discussed in training groups, challenged, quoted, pored over by individuals… wanting to learn the secrets of how to be an effective coach. Now there is a 5th edition. This one is a little longer. It keeps the early chapters, which have remained much the same through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions. These will give you the essentials. After that, this edition has been radically rewritten. It reflects the changing world of coaching, new insights about human psychology – and the demands made on coaches from contemporary life. New material includes chapters on:

Learning from research on how early life affects all of us and why we really must explore this in coaching

Feeling safe, feeling included: how diversity affects us all

How relationship issues are always present in coaching and how to work with them, including how the client relates to us as coaches

Coaching emergencies: what to do if your client is in obvious distress – and the answer may not be, refer to a therapist.

How to work on our own development as coaches – everything that affects our clients potentially affects us too.

What practising professionally means in the mid-21st century

Why there are no clear ‘boundaries’ with psychotherapy; how to work out where your own boundaries are.
