This best-selling book is suitable for individuals seeking to understand their Myers Briggs or Jungian Type results and can also be used with groups. After a brief, accessibly written introduction there is an attractively-designed page devoted to each of the sixteen types, packed with useful information about how each type is likely to behave as a leader, as a team member, coping with change, as a parent, general strengths and blind-spots, behaviour under stress etc. The book also contains further information on understanding ‘type dynamics’ and gives up to date statistics on a large data base of UK managers. The book has been praised for the accuracy of its insights into the sixteen types and for its lack of the type jargon which can so often get in the way for readers unfamiliar with the technical terms.
The book has proved its value over several years for team off-site meetings, team coaching events and for coaches working with individual clients.
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